針灸, ㄐㄧㄡˇ三聲灸.....原來一直以來都念錯阿...
針灸 Acupuncture & Moxibustion
穴位 acupuncture points

Although Acupuncture & Moxibustion is traditional Chinese medicine, I never experienced it before. 
Recently I had received an acupuncture treatment due to my pull muscle which is resulted from my bad cough.

I was very nervous when the doctor was applying needles into my body to stimulate my acupuncture points.   
Hmm, I felt painless..... Not so bad.  Oh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Shit !!   Until the last needle.
Relax, relax, there is no need to be frightened, the doctor said.  The doctor thought I should have felt a little sore, but not ached.
But  it seemed almost impossible to stand the ache for me.  The doctor tried several time, but finally she withdrew the last one.  

I also heard that losing weight can be achieved by performing acupuncture.  Maybe I would take it into consideration.


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